News feed

  • Sailina's Cozy shop


    It's very hot outside, battles are raging at literally every point in Ericuria, and it's quiet and peaceful in my shop. Come in, don't stand on the threshold. Let me show you my products.

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  • Soon in the game — fiery Brionne!


    Few people alive today remember how demons founded Brionnfall. Then the city had a different name, and it was located in a different place.

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  • Weekend rates!


    In the coming weekend, spend time in the expanses of the Sphere with maximum benefit!

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  • Free falling prices on GameXP!


    Parachutist Day is celebrated in Russia this week. We suggest you gently land in a comfortable chair and from there watch the smooth drop in prices in our game store.

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  • The season ends!


    We remind you that unrecognized gifts must be picked up before 10:00 on July 3 (UTC+3).

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  • A new dungeon — The Cursed Halls!


    There are rumors about ancient treasures that only the bravest and most skilled warriors will get. Maybe these are just legends, and maybe not. Find out for yourself in the new dungeon — The Cursed Halls are open!

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  • Dungeons and shushpans


    A new event has started in the world of the Sphere - “Dungeons and Shushpans". Take part and get nice rewards, including guaranteed - a unique ring with special properties!

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  • Technical works completed on 07/24/2024


    The game world is available again!

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  • Get the treasures of the eighth season!


    Right now on direct sale: The Spirit of justice, The Call of the light-bearing steed, the whistle of the call of the bright fox cub, the title of "Judge", the Mask of the light-bearing judge, the Standard of the light-bearing judge.

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  • Weekly rate schedule


    Let your favorite game bring a good mood, and rates — fast pumping!

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