Travelling in the locations may require all your attention and caution. Somewhere you can meet huge and powerful monsters that cannot be defeated one on one. In every location there is a boss monster whose level is equal to the maximum level of the location.
To defeat them you will need a raid of 10-25 players.
In 3-5 hours after their death or an hour after the server restart, world bosses appear again. They constantly grow stronger — every 15 seconds they get a new attack and defense bonus. If the boss will kill all the attackers and there will be no targets in his agro list —he will disappear without leaving any loot behind.
After the boss is defeated, 5 players may receive rare unbound armor as well as items required to enhance their equipment. All players that participated in the boss battle are eligible for the loot, but their chances increase if their contribution was significant. Those who have dealt most damage or restored the most health are more likely to be rewarded.
Every winner sees only the chest intended for him/her. You will not see the chests and the loot of other players.
There are three world bosses in the humans locations: Great troll, Ancient ent and Devastator.
Great troll

Level: 10
Location: Norther Morrigan groves — Felling
- Throws a stone at the random target.
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
Norther Morrigan groves — Felling

Ancient ent

Level: 15
Location: Darkstrider’s forest
- Ent pulls all the enemies closer and deals massive area damage in a small radius around himself — you’d better keep distance
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
- Bonds of darkness: Ent curses up to 10 target dealing them periodical magic damage
Darkstrider’s forest


Level: 30
Location: Southern Morrigan groves
- Applies bleeding to all surrounding targets (effect stacks up to 5 times)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
Southern Morrigan groves

In demons’ locations you can meet four world bosses: Dwarven commander, Spirit of sorrow, Traitor and Hellkite
Dwarven commander

Level: 10
Location: Ash forest
- Throwing back — deals damage and knocks back all the targets in the sector in front of the boss. To evade it — stand behind its back.
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
Ash forest

Spirit of Sorrow

Level: 15
Location: Blue mists forest (1)
- Applies bleeding to all surrounding targets (Effect stacks up to 5 times)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)

Level: 25
Location: Blue mists forest (2)
- Strong strike (deals damage to all the targets next to chosen target)
- Toss-up (tosses up all surrounding enemies)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
Blue mists forest


Level: 35
Location: Brimstone heart volcano
- Fire ball (deals damage to the target and its nearest allies)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
- Sends fire ball at the random target
Brimstone heart volcano

Swarm lord

Level: 40
Location: Bristle fields (1)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
- Mass throwing away (Keep the distance between you and the boss)
- Acid splutter (Boss spits acid that jumps from target to target if the distance between them is less than 20 meters)

Level: 40
Location: Bristle fields (2)
- Boss rage (attack power and armor of the boss increases every 15 seconds)
- Uncertainty (enemies of the boss get increased skill cooldown time)
- Acid splutter (Boss spits acid that jumps from target to target if the distance between them is less than 20 meters)
Bristle fields


Level: 45
Location: Valley of Chills — West
- Fire breath
- Earth quake (a strong hit damages all the enemies)
- Throwing back — deals damage and knocks back all the targets in the sector in front of the boss.
- Ice breath (stuns the enemies with a power of ice)
- Ice defence (increases the bosses defence)
- Ice Lord sphere

Level: 45
Location: Valley of Chills — West
- Cold torment
- Ring of fire
- Ice rain
- Mark of cold
- Sphere of lightnings
- Mass deafening
- Valley of Chills Protector Sphere

Level: 50
Location: Forgotten Lands
- Parries physical and magical attacks and retuns damage to enemies
- Heals himself
- Sets the ground on fire damaging and slowing his enemies
- Strikes enemies with a chain hit slowing them
- Summons spheres of lightnings
- Boss rage (attack power of the boss increases)

Level: 50
Location: Forgotten Lands
- Mass throwing away
- Strikes nearby enemies with a chain hit
- Poisons enemies around him
- Immobilizes enemies around him
- Heals himself
- Boss rage (attack power of the boss increases)
Tlaloc the Devastator

Level: 60
Location: Emerald Valley
- Blessing of the Serpent God - while serving the Serpent God, Tlaloc learned how to control the ebb and flow of magical energy (his enemies do not regain mana or necrotic energy)
- Cudgel strike - the boss strikes the target that has angered him the most
- Crushing blow - the boss ferociously pounds the ground, knocking back the closest characters. The damage decreases with distance.
- Mana effusion - the boss expunges the collected mana in a wave of ether that envelops the air. The damage increases with distance; the characters at maximum range become incapacitated by fear.
- Magic rift - when Tlaloc loses control of the devoured mana, it sometimes forms up to 3 rifts under the characters' feet. While staying inside the rift, the characters take damage from wild mana but also restore mana or necrotic energy. The damage dealt by the rift increases with every second.
- Furious cudgel strike - when the boss falls below half health, he enrages and starts dealing powerful blows that crush the target's armor.
- Troll's fury - it's never a good idea to draw out the fight with a troll. His damage increases every 15 seconds.

Level: 60
Location: Emerald Valley
- Inversion of life flow – Atalan places 3 zones around him that heal characters when they receive damage. Conversely, the boss’ current target will take massive damage if they enter a zone.
- Blessing of the Serpent God – the boss’ aura negates healing and deals damage over time every second. The aura does not affect characters if they were recently struck by the boss.
- Energy absorption – Atalan constantly damages targets around him.
- Strike – Atalan strikes a character, marking him.
- Life drain – Atalan strikes a character, dealing large damage and recovering 400% of the damage dealt. The target gets a debuff that increases damage taken from this skill for 20 seconds.
- Rage – boss’ damage increases every 15 seconds.