News feed

  • Sailina's Cozy shop


    It's very hot outside, battles are raging at literally every point in Ericuria, and it's quiet and peaceful in my shop. Come in, don't stand on the threshold. Let me show you my products.

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  • Free falling prices on GameXP!


    Parachutist Day is celebrated in Russia this week. We suggest you gently land in a comfortable chair and from there watch the smooth drop in prices in our game store.

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  • Get the treasures of the eighth season!


    Right now on direct sale: The Spirit of justice, The Call of the light-bearing steed, the whistle of the call of the bright fox cub, the title of "Judge", the Mask of the light-bearing judge, the Standard of the light-bearing judge.

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  • Get the treasures of the seventh season!


    Right now on direct sale: Rocket, Whistle summoning wingspin forester, Whistle summoning airship, Title "Inspiration", Hood saboteur, Wings of the stone eagle.

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  • Get the treasures of the sixth season!


    Right now on direct sale: Whirlwind, the Summoning of the resurrected steed, the Whistle of the summoning of the mechanical spider, the Reanimator, the Combat helmet of the tunneler, the Wings of the sparkling blades.

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  • Get the treasures of the fifth season!


    Right now on direct sale: The Cursed blade, the Wingspin pioneer, the cunning skink, the title of "Pioneer", the forester's Hat, the Wings of the dark jungle.

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  • Weekend of treasures and secrets


    This week is the day of treasures and secrets, and we have both for you!

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  • Get the treasures of the fourth season!


    Right now on direct sale: Ice Shard, Whistle Summoning Decorated Armor,
    Lemur summoning whistle, title "Lord", Commander's Helmet, Decorated Crystal!

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  • Feel the scent of the sea!


    In hot summer, sometimes there is not enough breeze from the ocean. If you don't get a vacation at sea in the near future, special products will help you cheer up.

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  • Get the treasures of the third season!


    Right now on direct sale: The Hound of Revenge, the whistle of the indefatigable hunter, the nimble fire lizard and the title "Spirit of Vengeance", as well as the shoulder decoration "Avenger Trophy".

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