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Secrets of the thunder bat

Thunder bats are common bats that hide in caves in Ericuria and lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Their white blood is able to absorb magic, heal wounds and cure diseases. This is all that was written in the diary of the demon Rakshasa, who first discovered bats in the caves of Erikuria during one of the forays of the horned into the lands of people.
The demon took several individuals with him and studied their blood for a long time, exposing it to magical influences. He tested all the properties of white blood on experimental people and himself.
Once he tried to expose white blood to necrotic magic and ice magic at once. With the blood he received, he gave the man a drink and he turned into a monster who almost killed the demon. Rakshasa realized that his research was dangerous, so he tore out all the pages describing his experiments from the diary and burned them. There remains only a brief description of the bats themselves.
A few years later, the demon died, and his diary fell into the hands of human soldiers who infiltrated the territory of demons. They didn't understand anything from it, so when they returned to Ericuria, they handed it over to the library. A hundred years later, Amanda Nix found the diary and learned about unusual bats. Who knows, maybe if the demon hadn't torn the pages out of the diary, the white blood crisis would have been avoided.
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