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The wheel of the North is rolling towards you!

At the council at which the decision on the creation of the Order of hunters was made, the king was furious. The aristocrats told him about where the monsters came from, so the sovereign was ready to execute them. But at that moment, monsters attacked the council hall.
The knights quickly fell from the sharp claws of the monsters and began to turn into monsters. Those who used to be part of the Order of the "White Blood" began to defend the king. Vladyka saw that aristocrats do not turn into monsters from their wounds, which means they can be used in the fight against monsters.
The defenders did not have swords with them, so they defended the king with improvised means: candelabra, chairs, plates. Together they retreated into the courtyard, trying to make their way to the armory, but the monsters surrounded them. Then Count Nathan North tore the wheel off the wagon with provisions. With his help, he destroyed the monsters and saved the king.
After that, the king agreed to create an order of monster hunters and even took white blood himself to gain immunity. He appointed Nathan North as the leader of the order. The count agreed and began to lead the cleansing of the kingdom from monsters. As a weapon, he used the same wheel from the cart.
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