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What will the Hunter's Hat tell you about

After the top of the White Blood Order turned into monsters, panic began in Ericuria. Monsters that the Sphere had never seen before began to attack people and turn them into their own kind. To stop this, the king imposed a state of emergency in Ericuria, forbade people to leave their homes and gathered a council to find a way out of the crisis.
The council was attended by aristocrats who were members of the Order of the "White Blood". Due to the fact that they had previously participated in rituals, monster bites did not affect them. Therefore, they proposed to the king to found an order of monster hunters. Its members pledged not to carry out sophisticated rituals with white blood, but to use it only to treat wounds and obtain immunity from monsters.
The distinctive sign of the hunters were to be hats worn by aristocrats and masks that used to hide the faces of the followers of the order of the "White Blood".
The king agreed to this and selected the best fighters to become the basis of the new order. Monster hunters managed to destroy almost all the creatures of the white blood, and some were driven into deep caves, from where they do not come out. After a successful hunt, they became ordinary knights. But if monsters reappear in Ericuria, they will take out their hats and challenge the monsters again.
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