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Skull Godinev

Hospitality is considered one of the main virtues. But do not be fooled, because sometimes it can lead to death.
Far to the south, in the forests, is the Godinev tribe. This is a friendly community of savages, which was discovered by one of the human expeditions. The discoverers were greeted like kings: they were treated to the most delicious fruits, watered with the best wines and humored in every possible way. Exactly six days.
On the seventh day, the savages, according to their rite, sacrificed the explorers to their god Godinevesp. They tied people up, put horned skulls on their heads, and cut out hearts, which they then ate.
King Rickard III put an end to their murders. He went to those parts to find out where the expedition had disappeared. The king also came across the Godinev tribe and was pleasantly surprised by the hospitality of the savages.
However, on the third day, the king, along with several people, was walking through the forest and came across a pit filled with human bodies. Some of them were wearing the uniforms of the missing expedition.
The king returned to the camp and told his people about everything. At night, when the tribe fell asleep, the soldiers destroyed the tribe. They took Godinev's skulls as trophies.
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