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In search of chedrigil

None of the demons knows where Chedrigil came from in the Sphere. Some say that it's just the seed of the tree fell on the shell of a turtle and sprouted. But others are sure that the chedrigil is a magical animal that came to us from the spirit world. According to legend, the leaves from his tree can cure any disease. Some will say that this is just a myth, but a couple of demons were convinced that it was true.
Endre was the most beautiful demoness the Sphere had ever seen. She rejected everyone's advances. She didn't need the strongest demon, but someone who would do anything for her. Once the demoness was seriously ill: she was very weak and could not get out of bed. The shamans kept her alive, but they knew that everything was in vain.
Kerp, who had been in love with Endre all his life, knew that he could help the demoness. He had heard the legend of Chedrigil and set out to find him. Therefore, he left the Vagrot army and began traveling around the Sphere in search of an animal.
For months he could not find it. In desperation, he turned to the spirits to help him find the beast. Chedrigil heard the request of the demon in love and came to him himself. The beast allowed him to pluck a few leaves from the tree, which Kerp took to Endre's house. There the demon made a decoction of them, thanks to which Endre quickly got to her feet.
After such a miraculous healing, Endre became Kerp's wife. No one has seen Chedrigil since then. However, some shamans are sure that if the demon is worthy, the spirit will come to his aid.
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