News feed

  • The Earner's Hour is over!


    The Olannor Artisan Guild on the United Server is looking for suppliers of materials to produce even more rare things. As a reward to the best of the best, they will give special gifts.

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  • The sharpening rate is activated!


    We are announcing increased rates for the successful improvement of weapons and armor!

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  • The Earner's Hour


    Someone collects the ears of rivals, and someone collects flowers, ore and other useful resources to create a beautiful one. A competition for the best earner is announced!

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  • Weekend rates!


    In the coming weekend, spend time in the expanses of the Sphere with maximum benefit!

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  • Valentine's Day!


    A holiday dedicated to Valentine's Day begins in the world of the Sphere! Collect fragments of the golden heart and get the treasure of lovers!

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  • The hour of the murderer has passed


    The blood of the executed was absorbed into the lands of Ericuria. The Legion of Death finished the harvest and retired to their halls to greet the newcomer. Who is he?

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  • The Hour of the Killer


    Tomorrow the world of the Sphere will be filled with blood and the sinister laughter of Death, because the most murderous event of the week will take place on the servers! Join us!

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  • Weekend rates!


    In the coming weekend, spend time in the expanses of the Sphere with maximum benefit!

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  • The Call of Aradot


    Return the mighty dragon Aradot to the world of the Sphere, win and get unique rewards!

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  • Rate on inlay!


    Only 24 hours for you there is a rate of x1.5 to the chance of successful insertion of stones!

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