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The new season will bring new gifts to the Sphere, and it's time to learn more about them!HARBINGER MASK

No one knows how many Nameless Ones are in the Abyss outside the Sphere. But many shamans are sure that they all want to break into this world and enslave it. In fact, only some Nameless Ones are trying to influence this world, while others want to build their kingdom like a Lie.
Vran did not participate in the creation of the Sphere, but only watched and studied. Having gained knowledge, he created his own Sphere, in which cold and darkness reign, and ice giants inhabit it, which feed on living beings.
Vran spent all his strength on their creation, and he decided to look for food for his children in other worlds. To do this, he created a Harbinger Mask — an unusual artifact that turned the owner into a Harbinger of the will of the Wran. Her Nameless One managed to send her into the Sphere. A person, elf, dwarf or demon wearing this mask became the executor of the will of a Lie. If he destroyed a creature, then it was transferred to the harsh realm of cold and darkness.
The demons were not going to watch helplessly as someone took their brothers, and challenged the servant of Vrana. They gathered the most powerful shamans and removed the cursed mask from the Harbinger. After that, they hid that damn artifact. But even this did not save the Sphere from the insidious Lies.


After the demons defeated the first Harbinger, Vran realized that he needed to act more decisively. He spent a lot of effort to contact the remains of his first servant. But still he managed to turn his bones into a powerful weapon — the Punishment of the Harbinger.
The weapon was discovered by one of the elves and, as soon as he picked it up, Vran enslaved his mind. He sent a new Harbinger to the demon lands to retrieve the Mask. The servant was waiting for success. With the mask and punishment, the new harbinger has become almost invulnerable.
But people managed to stop him. Trogvar Thistle, the distant ancestor of Agvar, gathered the strongest magicians and together they destroyed the Harbinger, and hid the Vrana artifacts. And no one alive today knows where to look for them.


Despite the fact that there were only two Vrana artifacts in the Sphere, the Nameless One created something else: an assistant in the form of a raven for his Harbinger.
The bird kept the knowledge of the Lie in itself, and could also speak with the voice of the Nameless One. She accompanied the Harbinger in the Sphere, helped him avoid traps set by demons and people, and also supplied magical energy for the world of Vrana.
Fortunately, Trogvar Thistle wove a strong spell that captivated the raven. This saved the Sphere and helped to get rid of the Harbinger. But after the defeat of the servant of Vrana, the raven was freed from captivity, and no one has seen him since. Surely the bird is hiding somewhere and is waiting for the appearance of a new Harbinger.


Nobody remembers the Thistle today, but this man did the most important thing for the whole Sphere — he stopped the Harbinger in time. If he had not done this, then all living things would have been transferred to the cold world of Vrana.
Shortly before his death, the second Harbinger, using the wise raven, found a way to transfer the whole city at once to the realm of cold and darkness. To do this, he subjugated the rat to his will, infected it with a dangerous plague, and sent it to the city of Ar'kaliat.
The elves who lived there quickly began to die and after death moved to the realm of Vrana. Trogvar found out about this incident and realized that it was urgent to stop the Harbinger. Fortunately for the whole Sphere, he and other magicians succeeded. But the ancestor of Agvar Thistle was afraid that the plague would spread, so for many centuries he sealed the passage to the lands where the beautiful city of Ar'kaliat stood. It was only hundreds of years later that the passage there was reopened and people saw what this place had turned into.


The animal that accompanied both harbingers was the cursed hyena. It was made by the first of Vrana's wards in order to move around the Sphere as quickly as possible.
The Harbinger's companion was a very dangerous animal. Created by the magic of the Nameless hyena did not know fatigue, quickly overcame huge distances and could survive not only the cold, but also the heat emanating from the volcano Sulfur Heart.
As soon as the demon shamans defeated the first Harbinger and took off his mask, the hyena disappeared. Some tried to revive it, because it was an inexhaustible source of knowledge, but to no avail.
After the death of the second Harbinger, people also intended to study the unusual hyena. The then king of people ordered to put a Mask on one of the servants so that the hyena would appear, but the Barbarian stopped him. He believed that the secret of the Harbinger Satellite was not worth the troubles that it would bring to the Sphere. The king was beside himself with the fact that some magician contradicted his order, so he expelled the Trogvar.
The wizard left, but took with him the Mask and the Punishment of the Harbinger. Today, no one, not even Agvar Thistle himself, knows where the Harbinger artifacts rest.

The new combat season starts on March 19. Do not forget to pick up the gifts of the season "Secrets of the Dungeons" before this date and free up the bags for the next rewards!
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