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Happy Thank You!

This weekend marks the international day of "thank you". As you know, a kind word is pleasant to a cat, and politeness works wonders. And although, according to another folk wisdom, you can't put "thank you" in your pocket, simple gratitude can charge you with positive emotions for the whole day, and it really works. So say the magic word "thank you" more often, giving people a piece of your warmth, and it will definitely "boomerang" back to you.
Thank you for loving our games!
In honor of this good holiday, pleasant discounts and interesting products have already appeared in the game store.
Get the best products at bargain prices!
Hurry up to please yourself with great discounts!

By opening this you will get one of the following items:
Weapon upgrade (1 pcs.)
The call of Ngeru Nui (1 pcs.)
The Idol of Bravery (1 pcs.)
The idol of luck (1 pcs.)
Great Flask of Search (1 pcs.)
Affix randomizer (1 pcs.)
A strong elixir of the Depths (1 pcs.)
Auto-healing Potion (2 pcs.)
The Great Hunter's Potion (3 pcs.)
Experience potion (4 hours) (4 pcs.)
Crafting experience potion (1 day) (4 pcs.)
Ancient sphere of wisdom (5 pcs.)
Disassembly hammer +500 (6 pcs.)
Pet Accelerator (10 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (15 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (15 pcs.)
Great healing potion (15 pcs.)
Great potion of magic energy (25 pcs.)
Armor protection crystal (25 pcs.)
until 12.01.2025
Price: 10,99 GXP

Get the best products at bargain prices!
Hurry up to please yourself with great discounts!

By opening this you will get one of the following items:
The Greatest Rune Crystal fortification (1 pcs.)
Auto-healing Potion (1 pcs.)
The Great Potion of the Depths (1 pcs.)
Shard of Witchcraft (1 pcs.)
Premium account for 1 day (2 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (3 pcs.)
Runic reinforcement crystal (3 pcs.)
Strong healing potion (3 pcs.)
Armor protection crystal (3 pcs.)
Gatherer's potion (1 hour) (3 pcs.)
Crystal of Frozen Energy (3 pcs.)
Yellow selector of wisdom and endurance (3 pcs.)
Hunter's Potion (3 pcs.)

And also one of the following items:
The call of the red agama (1 pcs.)
Summoning a combat cleaver (1 pcs.)
The call of the awakened bear (1 pcs.)
The call of Ngeru Nui (1 pcs.)
The whistle of the call of the Wind Chord (1 pcs.)
Powerful Search Potion (4 Hours) (1 pcs.)
The Great Potion of the Depths (1 pcs.)
Black crystal (1 pcs.)
Pet Accelerator (1 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (2 pcs.)
Bag of excellent pet food (3 pcs.)
Alchemical enhancer (3 pcs.)
Purple selector of physical and magical protection (3 pcs.)
Small Potion of the Depths (3 pcs.)
Strong potion of magic energy (3 pcs.)
Runic protection crystal (3 pcs.)
The Stone of Travel (7 pcs.)
until 12.01.2025
Price: 3,99 GXP

Get the best products at bargain prices!
Hurry up to please yourself with great discounts!

By opening this you will get one of the following items:
Supreme reinforcement crystal (1 pcs.)
The call of the red agama (1 pcs.)
Summoning a Fighting Tiger (1 pcs.)
The call of Mabuni (1 pcs.)
Powerful Flask of Search (1 pcs.)
Boiler with poisonous steam (1 pcs.)
Experience potion (24 hours) (1 pcs.)
The Great Hunter's Potion (1 pcs.)
Prefix randomizer (1 pcs.)
Rare strong protection potion (1 pcs.)
The Great Potion of the Depths (1 pcs.)
Ancient sphere of wisdom (1 pcs.)
Suffix randomizer (2 pcs.)
Black crystal (2 pcs.)
Pet Accelerator (2 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (3 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (3 pcs.)
Great healing potion (3 pcs.)
Runic reinforcement crystal (4 pcs.)
Great potion of magic energy (4 pcs.)
Armor protection crystal (4 pcs.)
Fortune cube (4 pcs.)
Gatherer's potion (1 hour) (4 pcs.)
Loud-speaker (4 pcs.)
Transfer crystal (4 pcs.)
Disassembly hammer +100 (4 pcs.)
Bag of excellent pet food (4 pcs.)
Crystal of Frozen Energy (4 pcs.)
Runic protection crystal (5 pcs.)
Teleportation stone (10 pcs.)
until 12.01.2025
Price: 2,99 GXP

Get the best products at bargain prices!
Hurry up to please yourself with great discounts!

By opening this you will get one of the following items:
Weapon upgrade (1 pcs.)
The Greatest Rune Crystal fortification (1 pcs.)
Supreme reinforcement crystal (1 pcs.)
The call of the indefatigable pursuer (1 pcs.)
The call of Ngeru Nui (1 pcs.)
The call of Mabuni (1 pcs.)
The whistle of the call of the Wind Chord (1 pcs.)
Ancient sphere of wisdom (1 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (1 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (1 pcs.)
Potion of wealth (1 pcs.)
Gatherer's potion (1 hour) (1 pcs.)
Loud-speaker (1 pcs.)
Destroyer of bonds (1 pcs.)
Duellist's arcanum (3 pcs.)
strong protection potion (3 pcs.)
Potion of regeneration (3 pcs.)
The Stone of Travel (3 pcs.)
Elevation Token (12 pcs.)
until 12.01.2025
Price: 0,79 GXP

Thank you!
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