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Rem is a friendly ghost

It is generally believed that demons are evil and dangerous creatures who have unprecedented compassion. However, this can not be said about everyone.
Remus was an ordinary demon. But against the background of the rest of the horned, he was distinguished by sincere kindness to others. He could help anyone, even a dwarf. The other demons thought it was stupid and made fun of him, but Remus was not offended.
And yet one day helping others played a cruel joke. Rem was patrolling Tir Tuaid and came across a wounded man named Ronus. Another demon could have finished off the enemy, but not Remus. He believed that everyone deserved the right to live, so he helped the man: patched up his wounds, protected him from monsters and brought him to the camp. There they saw that Ronus had not returned alone, and attacked Remus. The demon tried to escape, but could not: the arrow hit right in the heart.
The demon fell, but his spirit remained. He forgave his killers, because he understood that they did not know about helping Ronus. In addition, Rem decided that in the form of a spirit he could do more good deeds. Therefore, he stayed in Tir Tuaid and began to help everyone, regardless of whether it was a demon or a human.
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