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The new season will bring new gifts to the Sphere, and it's time to learn more about them!


It is not only among demons and humans that there are incredible madmen who are moving progress forward. One of these was the dwarf Sidrok, who was always interested in mechanisms. Since early childhood, he sought to create something new and breakthrough, so he created a lot of useless things throughout his life.
For example, an automatic pickaxe, to use which you had to have the strength of three dwarfs.
But sometimes Sidrock had breakthroughs. One of them was the unocycle — an unusual mechanism in the form of a circle that allowed you to move over huge distances. Initially, the gnomes considered the unicycle to be a useless mechanism: why is it needed if there are rails in the tunnels?
Their opinion changed at the moment when the dwarf brigade was punching a new tunnel. Several workers were overwhelmed and had to be urgently rescued. Sidrok on a unicycle got to the blockage before everyone else and saved the dwarves.
When the dwarves got to the surface, Sidrok showed his invention to people. But they didn't like the fact that the central axis made it difficult to look forward, so they abandoned the unocycle. Nevertheless, some people liked the unusual transport, and they asked Sidrock to make it bigger so that a person could fit in it.
Now Sidrok is no longer alive. However, the unicycle can still be found at collectors, but they sell it at a very high price.


After coming to the surface, the dwarves began to cooperate with humans. One of them, Brock, saw that people use hops to produce delicious ale, so he began to study the technology to create his own unique drink.
Admittedly, Brock's drink really came out delicious. But how to get people to drink his ale, because they are used to their own? Brock consulted with Sidrock, and he made for him a special barrel of "gold reserve" that can be carried on his shoulders. With her, Brock traveled through human cities and offered everyone a cup of his drink.
Dwarf el quickly conquered human cities. But some people liked not only the drink, but also the unusual barrel. They started ordering them from Sidrock and, just like Brock, went to human cities and gave everyone a taste of their drinks.


Perhaps the most controversial invention of Sidrock was his unusual helmet. It was supposed to be used by the dwarves during the war with the elves. Sidrok believed that thanks to this helmet the elves would be afraid of the dwarves and would retreat, but the helmet did not give any significant advantage.
However, after the dwarves came to the surface, people liked the helmet. He had an unusual shape and a creepy mask. Representatives of the royal family liked them so much that these helmets were worn by a special squad consisting of elite fighters. The warriors won a major victory over the demons, which went down in history as the "horned clash".
Today, the special detachment has not existed for a long time. But Sidrock helmets are still as sturdy as they were hundreds of years ago, which is why they are so valuable.


After coming to the surface, the dwarves began to master the Sphere. They got acquainted with the animal world, plants and technologies of people. The Dwarf King even personally led expeditions to explore the world of the Sphere.
On one of these expeditions he saw a rare black bird — bulesa. A few days after that, the king died. A month later, the new king of the dwarves also traveled around the Sphere, saw Boules, and a week later he was overwhelmed in one of the dilapidated mines.
All this led to the fact that the dwarves began to consider Boules a harbinger of evil for the dwarves. So they began to go around places with cursed birds. The demons found out about such prejudices and began to catch the Boules to use them in the fight against the dwarves for intimidation.


Vorls are cute furry animals that live underground. Thanks to their instinct, they are able to avoid dangerous places underground. Sidrok noticed this and began to use vorls in order to find places where the collapse of the underground passage is possible.
Among people, the vorls produced an unimaginable effect: the animals were tamed and began to breed actively. But when the first wave of enthusiasm passed, people realized that there was no practical benefit from underground worls on the surface. Scientists and wizards have tried to use Vorls in the construction of castles to identify weaknesses in the walls, but to no avail. However, these animals are very smart, so people have managed to teach them to carry items in special bags.

The new combat season starts on August 28. Do not forget to pick up the gifts of the "Legends of the Sphere" season before this date and free up the bags for the next awards!
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