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Berg's Star

Among the demons, the legend of a mighty, thin warrior named Berg is still alive. He was one of the most skilled warriors of his era, and his blade was nicknamed the Star of Berg. It's a heavy sword that no other demon could lift. Berg, on the other hand, fought with it as if the sword was light, like a tree branch.
Thanks to this sword, Berg was a real thunderstorm for monsters and people. No one could defeat a warrior. But you can't be invincible forever.
During the battle with the army of people, Berg was carried away by the battle and did not notice how a man named Dendrik turned out to be behind him. He pierced the heart of the legendary warrior, after which the battle was over. There were too few people to continue the battle, and the demons were demoralized by the death of the legendary warrior.
The next day, a farewell to Berg was arranged in Brionnfall. He was buried near the stairs leading to the capital. The weapon was put together with the owner, because no one else could hold this huge sword. They say that when a worthy warrior appears, the sword will appear from the grave to serve the new owner.
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