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Can you ride a shark?

The ancient ocean predator, which wise shamans revived with the help of runes and rebuilt it to live on land, is still deadly. But that's the point, right — to ride someone who is able to tear you apart with one movement of powerful jaws, someone who was not intended for land, but became land. And most importantly — someone who will obey only you in the whole world of the Sphere.
By opening this you will get one of the following items:
Tiburon's Summoning Whistle (1 pcs.)
Affix randomizer (1 pcs.)
Premium account for 7 days (1 pcs.)
Rare duellist's arcanum (2 pcs.)
Rare arcanum of might (2 pcs.)
Disassembly hammer +1000 (2 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (6 to 10 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (6 to 10 pcs.)
Great healing potion (6 pcs.)
Great potion of magic energy (9 pcs.)
Armor protection crystal (9 to 15 pcs.)
Resurrection scroll (8 pcs.)
Bag of excellent pet food (8 pcs.)
until 31.07.2024
Price: 5,99 GXP

Try to tame Tiburon and maybe you will get this unique mount!
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