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The Call of Aradot

At a certain hour, when the young moon rises over the Sphere, there is a chance to summon Aradot against his will and strike down, thereby weakening and pushing back the end of all life. To do this, the heroes will have to track down and kill the Witness Aradot. It is rumored that at this hour his path lies along the Emerald Valley, from the eastern exit of Ketam Ai to the Obelisk of Power for the magical ritual of strengthening Aradot.
Hurry up to intercept it — when you reach the final point, it will disappear. The witness is not a fighter and he is quite weak, but he has special protective charms imposed on him — no mortal weapon can hit him until the planets in the sky are lined up in a certain order. Then and only then will the spell subside for a while, and the heroes will have a chance. Dying, the Witness of Aradot will call his master, and he will respond to the call. This will be a chance for the heroes to slay the dragon and once again save the world of the Sphere.
The winners of Aradot will get the greatest treasures:
  • Epic gear,
  • rare stones,
  • recipes and valuable ingredients,
  • Enchantment Scrolls,
  • The unique title of "Monster Killer"
  • and much more.
But that's not all! The player from whose hand the Witness of Aradot falls will also receive a reward — the vital energy of the Witness will be converted into a Premium account for 7 days and he will get it!
The witness will start his journey this Friday from the city of Ketam Ai and will disappear in 20 minutes, having performed his ritual if no one stops him.
  • Hyperion Server: 18:00 UTC+3 (Moscow time)
  • Prometheus server: 18:30 UTC+3 (Moscow time)
We wish you good luck!
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