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The skirmisher's helmet

Many tribes and peoples inhabit the northern plains and ridges. Bone hunters, who settled along the shore of the frozen sea, bit deeper into the frosty wasteland. A little to the south live the hunters of the wastelands, the inhabitants of the endless plains stretching from the icy mountains to the northern borders of Ericuria and Tir Tuaid.
The inhabitants of the wastelands, like their neighbors, live in small communities and are engaged in crafts, the first and most important of which, of course, is hunting. Hunters are respected here, and their traditions are honored and strictly followed. Skirmishers are especially respected – experienced trackers and skillful trappers. They travel alone for a long time through the wastelands, setting snares, and invariably return with rich loot.
During the great hunt, skirmishers arm themselves with a bunch of darts, mount a faithful moufflon and ride in the vanguard, driving the most important game. It is from the skirmishers that the hunter is chosen, who at the right moment will sound the bugle, urging the others to start the race.
Skirmishers on the great hunt can always be distinguished from other riders, because they always wear their bronze pointed helmets. Other hunters prefer bronze skin, but skirmishers remain true to themselves.
No one knows how to forge such helmets in the wastelands, and where they came from hunters is a big question. Perhaps they were brought by traders from the far south and replaced with furs, or perhaps they remained with the inhabitants of the wastelands from those distant times when people began their campaign on Erikuria hundreds of years ago. Then the skirmishers were in the vanguard of the human army and were the first to set foot on uncharted territories, as now they are the first to rush forward to the sounds of a bronze bugle.
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