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The history of the Pioneer

Few of the animals will be able to match Moufflon in endurance and perseverance. This huge aries with twisted horns rightfully bears the glory of the pioneer of the wastelands. Not the lightest on the foot, inferior in speed to the southern steeds, he is able to move forward tirelessly all day long – through rocky plains, windbreaks and impassable mountain ranges.
The inhabitants of the wastelands tame mouflons and use them as mounts. Many hunters also choose them as companions and appreciate them very much for their durability. However, it's oh so difficult to tame a moufflon. First you need to track down a young Aries in the ridges. Then it needs to be caught, and woe to the hunter who throws a rope over the horns of the beast, forgetting to untie its other end by hand! Everyone knows that the rope must be tied to a stone or a strong tree, otherwise you will not collect bones. And when moufflon is caught, you need to wait until he is exhausted. And this wait may drag on for several days.
An exhausted moufflon needs to be saddled and wait until he gets to his feet and tries to throw off the annoying rider from his back. If a hunter manages to stay on the back of an angry beast during a frenzied race, moufflon will accept and obey his rider. It is on such tamed aries that skirmishers jump during the great hunt.
Rare traders who venture to the north sometimes buy mighty rams from the inhabitants of the wastelands, although this happens infrequently. Nevertheless, sometimes in the southern markets you can meet grooms offering the heroes to acquire real pioneers of the wastelands – for a hard coin, of course.
And even if you did not track down and tame the indefatigable moufflon, he remembers how he was once caught and restrained, and will obey you wherever you direct him. Tirelessly, he will carry you forward, through all obstacles. And you just grab his horns tighter, so that on occasion you don't have to catch up with the stubborn beast on foot.
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