History of humans

The Children of Air became known as humans. They mastered vast plots of land, but lost much of their wisdom.
The memory of common roots was gradually erased. Traditions, customs, ideals became more and more different. Under the invisible hand of the deity Ag-Khaldr, the Father of the Brave, humans built cities, developed alchemy and various arts and crafts. Yielding in life expectancy to the children of Water and Earth, they, nevertheless, considerably surpassed them in fertility, and if the dwarves were protected by the fact that their beloved mountains were not suitable for human life, nothing could preserve the rich and fertile elven lands. An innumerable stream of people moved from the north, capturing and remaking the primordial elven territories for themselves. Attempts to solve the matter by peace did not give any result, people no longer wanted to leave such rich lands, while the elves, in turn, did not want to put up with strangers. Thus began the Endless War that lasted 300 years. The turning point was the battle at Sulfurheart Volcano, where an army of people led by Brand the Unbreakable dealt a crushing blow to the elite forces of elves, led by Alorian Amakiir, who had never before known defeat. Breaking the elf's blade on his knee, Brand marked the new rulers of the mainland, which people became
The history of the human kingdom is full of contradictions and cruelty. For a long time, these lands were torn apart by endless feudal strife - until, about three hundred years ago, Harus Blacksward hanged seven lords on the famous Wicked Oak, eliminating all worthy competitors. Blacksword became the first king of the united human lands. He ruled alone, maintaining peace and order with an iron grip, destroying any centers of resistance and dissent with fire and sword. However, his descendants lacked quickness: thirty years after the death of Harus, his grandson, Wingas Blacksword, fell at the hands of Cymur the Red-haired, Lord Redblade. So the ruling dynasty changed.
The son of Saymur, Ekmar I, led the united forces of people into battle at the Battle of White Fangs - in order to enlist the support of all the lords, he promised them to change the system of government, to create an advisory body for making political decisions.
After the victory, Ekmar I kept his word: this is how the Council of Barons appeared, a congress of representatives of all noble families. The Council is responsible for discussing burning military and economic issues. The king must be present at the meetings, but he does not have the power and the right to vote there - he only listens to all opinions, and subsequently, having considered what he has heard, makes decisions that must be obeyed by all the inhabitants of the kingdom, including the barons.
Under Gremar the Long, father of the current King Ekmar II, an additional seat was added to the Council for a representative of the Negociant Guild, although his role to this day is largely limited to overseeing and writing reports for the Guild leadership. Around the same time, the Gracewood family acquired a special influence among the members of the Council, whose representatives have always been distinguished by eloquence, cunning and resourcefulness. The current head of the clan, Nigwan the Beardless, is a close friend of the king and actually plays the role of a personal advisor. Because of this discontent is growing among the barons. More and more nobles argue that the Council is gradually losing its significance, because the king listens only to Lord Grayswood, a man in many ways dubious and suspicious.
Nevertheless, the Council meets especially often at the present time: the reason is the events taking place in the lands of the elves and demons, and the quite obvious threat emanating from there. Since ancient times, people have maintained the closest ties with the gnomes, and therefore it was not difficult for the two peoples to unite. The union of Basalt and Steel is now almost a single state, with common goals - to survive and win. Members of the Big Thing are increasingly taking part in the meetings of the Council of Barons, dwarf merchants travel freely through the lands of the Union, the Iron Phalanxes and the masters of the Stone Works are serving on the borders together with the Redblade Guard.
Relations with demons and elves were reduced to a simple rule: "Either we destroy them or they destroy us". Everyone, even ordinary peasants and townspeople, understands that the coming war will be a war of destruction. However, the locals are complacent about the rare elven settlers who have long been living in the territories of Erikuria. Of course, they are trying to keep them under surveillance, but they do not expect trouble - those who supported the policy of the Punishers of the Blood Moon have long crossed the borders. So there is nothing strange about meeting elves on the roads or in taverns. Well, the demon, if he catches the eye, one way - for the pitchfork or spears.
The most widespread among people is the cult of Ag-Khaldr, the Father of the Brave. There are many legends and tales about its origin, often directly contradicting each other. The most famous version, recorded in the sacred book "Word of Haldr", says that everything in the universe is in balance, everything has its opposite - and if there are Unnamed, creatures of Darkness, then there must be gods, creatures of Light. One of them is the Father of the Brave, who has chosen a human form for incarnation and who has lived many lives among people.
Soon after the Night of the Great Execution and the disappearance of the Forgotten Ones, he appeared on earth, bringing his teachings to the human race. Courage and valor are Light. Fear and meanness are Darkness. This is his Word. To many, it will seem too simple, but any real truth is simple. To many it will seem outdated, but any real truth is old and eternal. With this Word he led people into the great battle at the White Fangs, with this Word his heirs, kings and knights, stood to death on the borders of human lands.
Temples are not dedicated to Ag-Khaldr, his monuments are erected on the sites of famous battles, from stones consecrated with the blood of fallen heroes. Ag-Khaldr does not need sacrifices - he sees true courage, proven not by word, but by deed, and appreciates it. As ritual offerings, trophy armor or weapons are often placed at the feet of the statues of Ag-Khaldr. The more glorious and stronger the defeated enemy was, the more valuable the gift. Ag-Khaldr does not need priests: his "Word" is written in a great book, and anyone is free to interpret it in his own way, but the divine will manifests itself in the speeches of the commanders before the battle, in funeral songs, in battle cries.
It is believed that one who lived by courage and valor, after death, falls as a rower on Ag-Haldr's celestial ship. It travels high above the clouds, halfway between the earth and the sun. Those who did mean things and were afraid to atone for them with blood, after death are thrown into the hollow caves, into the possession of the Nameless Ones who devour the souls of cowards and traitors. At the end of the world, when the sun goes out, and the Unnamed Ones emerge to destroy the earth, Ag-Haldr's ship will set off on a long voyage through the Darkness in search of new stars.
Heretics and unbelievers are very rare among humans: they do not need proof of the existence of their god, they remember White Fangs well and know that he exists. The gods of other nations are treated calmly and with respect, and it is not considered shameful to sometimes turn to them for assistance.