History of demons

At first, the Children of the Flame rose above the rest. The Children of Water submitted to them, but the creations of the Earth and Air refused to surrender. This is how the first War of the Four Elements broke out.
The war proved that the children of the Flame were not as mighty as the Forgotten Ones. The strength of armor and combat training meant more than the intricacies of spellcraft. That is how the children of Earth and Air earned their triumph: their military skill overcame the tricks of enemy wizards.
Then the ruler of the people of Flame, archmage Vagrot, resorted to a desperate gambit. He came down to the very center of the Sphere - and stood before those who have no names.
No one will ever know what he proposed to the Nameless Ones and what they answered, but the next morning children of the Flame vanished. Magicians of the other elements had no explanation for what happened, and named their exodus "Curse of Vagrot". Но ничто не длится вечно. Новая беда пришла из глубин Сферы.
A thousand years after later the Fiery ones returned, damned forevermore. Changed by the Nameless Ones, children of the Flame turned into demons - a mixture of fire and primordial icy darkness. The darkness changed not only their bodies but also their souls, filling them with hatred for all the inhabitants of the surface.
The legions of Vagrot of the Thousand Faces are bound by iron discipline. Any disobedience is punished with death, for cowardice, betrayal or otherwise. Not a simple, quick execution, but a long and painful destruction or a terrible demise during the Snake Summoning ritual.
The structure of each legion is extremely simple: a private can become a commander, a commander - a centurion, and a centurion - warlord. Each is expected to obey the commands of their superior officers without question, and none of them have the right to disobey Vagrot. All decisions are made by the One of the Thousand Faces. He has no advisers among the demons and listens only to the hissing sermons of the serpents that bring him wisdom of the Nameless Ones.
Two of Vagrot's greatest followers, his loyal Ghar and Isgaaru, are serve him just like everyone else. In the presence of their master, they obsequiously remain silent, listening to his terrible voice. Throne of Thousand Faces - a huge seat of brilliant basalt decorated with rough yet terrible images of the Nameless Ones. Vagrot rarely rises from the throne. His body, monstrously altered in the unimaginable depths of the Sphere, is not well suited for movement on the surface, but the will of the Eternal Executioner is strong and unshakable, and his wisdom is infinite. He is almost a god, an absolute monarch, and all other demons are his tools, his slaves. Just like Vagrot of the Thousand Faces is a slave of the Nameless Ones himself.
And the plans of the Eternal Executioner are simple. Seize power on the continent, grind down any pockets of resistance, destroy humans and turn dwarves into slaves so that they build vast underground cities for new generations of demons and their true masters. The elves are assigned the role of a useful tool, a weapon to defeat the Union of Basalt and Steel with. Simply put, elves must become cannon fodder that can be boldly and generously wasted. And soon, when the fires of war rise again, the first victims will be consumed...
The subjects of the Eternal Executioner trust only him, their original and only master. Their deities are Unnamed, terrible and incomprehensible creatures of the primordial Darkness. The will of Deep Masters impregnates the souls of demons with a black flame, guides them, leads them to a single and terrible goal.
To honor the Nameless Ones, demons build monstrous temples and decorate them with skulls of slain enemies. Shamans of the Serpent Legion conduct dark and solemn rituals here, calling forth poisonous asps frrom the bowels of the Sphere that carry orders from their sleeping masters. Guilty warriors and captives are sacrificed during these terrible rites. Fresh blood attracts snakes to the surface, the beat of drums shows them the way, hot flesh feeds them.
The supreme shaman is Vagrot of the Thousand Faces, the commander and the spiritual leader of the accursed people. His word is law. His teaching is undeniable. Demons believe in their higher purpose, in the work of Darkness. They believe that they are called to cleanse the surface from Light's corruption. Their goal is to end the existence of other races. Their religion is destruction and chaos, their element is greedy, ever-hungry fire.
For now they hide, biding their time. The drums are silent, the poisoned blades are sheathed, and the black and red banners fly only over the gloomy strongholds of Tyr Twayd. But soon the marching trumpets will roar, and the demonic hordes will swarm over the land and the skull-decorated temples will rise on the scorched lands so shamans with hoarse voices can announce the victory of Vagrot, the Eternal Executioner, Hound of the Nameless Ones!