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The legend of Lope

The demons also had their hands on the legend of Sinek Klamus. They told me that they had equipped whole expeditions to the north to find the dwarf and some of them succeeded. The demons claimed that they got to the snowy estate of Sinek Klamus, and saw not only a bear, but also a snowman, which the dwarf calls Lopa.
These "Klamus witnesses" claim that the dwarf saved them from the cold, invited them to his place, and Lopa poured them tea. At the same time, Sinek himself shared the story of creating a snowman: allegedly, his snow servant just stood at the entrance like a statue, and revived him with the help of the Kili Brown potion.
No one believes them, of course. After all, how can you believe that someone has climbed so far to the north? But some children say that they heard in the house not only the clatter of Blue Klamus boots, but also the creaking of snow, and in the morning they found small puddles on the floor.
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