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Make friends with mabuni!

Mabuni, or fighting ostriches, live far to the south, on the Dakiru Islands. These mighty birds do not fly, but they can run fast. Due to their speed, they are in many ways superior even to the horses familiar to everyone.
Now it is not easy to buy mabuni for some reason, but some cunning traders bring them deep into the continent. If you are lucky, one of the mabuni will be yours!
Удача улыбнется самым везучим и они получат нового маунта - боевого страуса - МАБУНИ.
Давай покажем, кого любит судьба и получим этого маунта с первой крутки.

By opening this you will get one of the following items:
The call of Mabuni (1 pcs.)
Traits reset scroll (1 pcs.)
Premium account for 31 days (1 pcs.)
Raccoon whistle (permanent) (1 pcs.)
Affix randomizer (1 pcs.)
Experience potion (24 hours) (1 pcs.)
Cube of the Nameless (2 pcs.)
Rare duellist's arcanum (2 pcs.)
Rare arcanum of might (2 pcs.)
Reinforcement crystal 2nd rank (8 pcs.)
Weapon protection crystal (8 pcs.)
Strong healing potion (8 pcs.)
Armor protection crystal (12 pcs.)
Fortune cube (12 pcs.)
Resurrection scroll (12 pcs.)
until 31.05.2024
Price: 6,99 GXP

Good luck!
And please don't let them bite you. Just in case.
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