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The Bugle of the Great Hunt

Spring begins. The snow is gradually melting, reluctantly giving way to the first green shoots reaching for the sun. The animals come out of their wintering grounds and leave the dark forest thickets. The whole earth comes alive. And the shrill sound of a bugle echoes over it, heralding the beginning of the great hunt.
This has been the case since ancient times – with the first rays of the spring sun, wasteland hunters saddle their horses and drive the first prey. Those who honor traditions say that this first hunt in the new year is the most important, because its outcome depends on how successful the fishery will be before the next cold weather. If hunters bring rich prey, then the year will go well, and the winter will be satisfying, but if not… This is usually not said out loud.
Many consider all this a superstition and a relic of the distant past, but the hunters themselves will never allow themselves to go against this tradition. However, hunters are extremely superstitious.
The great hunt always begins with the fact that the most experienced skirmisher blows a bronze horn, giving the command to the rest. The Horn of the Great Hunt is a relic that every settlement in the wastelands especially values. It is passed down from generation to generation – from one hunter to another. Its sound is so strong that it can be heard for miles and hangs in the air for a long time after the hunt has already begun.
If one day you hear the sound of the bugle of the great hunt, know that somewhere nearby a cavalcade of horsemen is rushing through the spring fog, driving the beast. They ride fast, and the bows and spears in their hands strike without a miss. And it is better not to stand in their way on this day.
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